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Welcome to the Skydipper API Documentation.


The Skydipper API uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) to identify and authenticate its users. This token must be provided inside an Authorization header, with the form Bearer: <token>.

However, in order to perform GET requests for content that is not private, there’s no need for any sort of authentication or token.

How to create a new user

To create a new user make a request like the one in the sidebar:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
    "extraUserData": {
      "apps": [

There are three allowed roles: USER, MANAGER and ADMIN. The ‘apps’ field only permits applications that are powered by the API: for now the only application is skydipper, but some more will be available in the future.

How to generate your private token

Endpoint for email + password based login.

# Email + password based login - JSON format
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \

Refer to user management for more information on the operations available in the Skydipper API for managing user accounts, token generation, etc.


The Basemap microservice serves pre-calculated and dynamic tiles for Layer objects and several pre-built styles. The code for this service can be found here.

Annual Landsat Basemaps

We have created satellite basemaps based off of the NASA/USGS Landsat satellite collection. These are avaiable as slippy map tiles. We are continuing to add years of coverage to our Landsat Basemap collection. The collection we have currently processed is avaiable via<year>/<z>/<x>/<y>.

The service mixes pre-cached and dynamic tiles. The dynamic tiles kick-in at z>11.

import requests
url = ""
r = requests.get(url)

with open('./image_test.jpg', 'wb') as handler:

Layer Basemaps

Appropriate layers in Skydipper (i.e. geospatial data, with either the EE or CartoDB provider and visulisation properties) can be visulised as map tiles by calling<layer_id>/<z>/<x>/<y>.

import requests
url = ""
r = requests.get(url)

with open('./image_test.jpg', 'wb') as handler:

Movie tiles

Coming soon.

Composite Imagery

The Composite service enables the creation of on-the-fly composites based on either Landsat-8, or Sentinel-2 and a Geostore geometry ID. Composites can be returned in a variety of formats, either as url links to thumbnail and slippy map (z/x/y) tile assets, or as a zip folder containing image assets.

Band visulisations can be given as argument to visulise any bands of interest in RGB space. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) image assets can also be returned with the get_dem=True flag.

Code for the Composite service is hosted on Github.

Thumbnails and slippy maps

By default, the service accepts a Gestore id hash as an argument via the geostore param in a GET request. The response is JSON containing urls (with tokens valid for 2 days), linking to Z/X/Y type (slippy) maps, as well as a thumbnail, and a greyscale Digital Elevation Model (DEM) output (if get_dem is set to True).

params = {"geostore": "<geostore_id>",
          "get_dem": True,
          "date_range": "[2018-01-01, 2018-12-01]",
          "thumb_size": "[500, 500]",
          "instrument": "landsat",
          "cloudscore_thresh": 5,
          "band_vizz": "{'bands': ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4}",
          "get_files": False}

r = requests.get(f"", params=params)


  "attributes": {"dem": "",
  "thumb_url": "",
  "tile_url": "{z}/{x}/{y}?token=XXXXX",
  "zonal_stats": "None"},
  "id": "None",
  "type": "composite_service"

Downloading Image Assets

Sometimes you want more than a thumnail and web map tiles. If you want to build 3D models with these assets you will need to download the composite as a surface texture and apply that texture to a surface (ideally using the DEM to deform the surface to show height also). To do this you will need to hit the service with get_files=True, and then unzip the assets folder that is returned in the response.

params = {"geostore": "<geostore_id>",
          "get_dem": True,
          "date_range": "[2019-01-01, 2019-12-01]",
          "thumb_size": "[250, 250]",
          "instrument": "landsat",
          "get_files": True}

r = requests.get(f"", params=params)


What is a Dataset?

A dataset abstracts the data that can be obtained from several sources into a common interface. There are several data providers supported in the API, and each of those has a different provider. Datasets can belong to several applications.

Supported dataset sources

Third party Dataset connectors

For data stored on third party services.


(connectorType: 'rest', provider: 'cartodb')
CARTO is an open, powerful, and intuitive map platform for discovering and predicting the key insights underlying the location data in our world.

ArcGIS Feature service

(connectorType: 'rest', provider: 'featureservice')
ArcGIS for server is a Complete, Cloud-Based Mapping Platform.

Google Earth Engine

(connectorType: 'rest', provider: 'gee')
Google Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities and makes it available for scientists, researchers, and developers to detect changes, map trends, and quantify differences on the Earth’s surface.

Getting all datasets

This endpoint will allow to get all datasets available in the API:

curl -X GET


    "data": [
      "id": "098b33df-6871-4e53-a5ff-b56a7d989f9a",
      "type": "dataset",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "Subnational Political Boundaries",
        "slug": "Politcial-Boundaries-GADM-adminitrative-level-1-1490086842541",
        "type": "tabular",
        "subtitle": "GADM",
        "application": ["skydipper"],
        "dataPath": null,
        "attributesPath": null,
        "connectorType": "rest",
        "provider": "cartodb",
        "userId": "57a0aa1071e394dd32ffe137",
        "connectorUrl": "",
        "tableName": "gadm28_adm1",
        "status": "saved",
        "published": true,
        "overwrite": false,
        "verified": false,
        "blockchain": null,
        "subscribable": null,
        "mainDateField": null,
        "env": "production",
        "geoInfo": true,
        "protected": true,
        "legend": {
          "date": [],
          "region": [],
          "country": [],
          "nested": []
        "clonedHost": null,
        "errorMessage": null,
        "taskId": null,
        "updatedAt": "2018-11-21T13:54:56.285Z",
        "dataLastUpdated": null
  "links": {
    "self": "[number]=1&page[size]=10",
    "first": "[number]=1&page[size]=10",
    "last": "[number]=99&page[size]=10",
    "prev": "[number]=1&page[size]=10",
    "next": "[number]=2&page[size]=10"
  "meta": {
    "total-pages": 99,
    "total-items": 990,
    "size": 10

Slug & dataset-id

Datasets have an auto-generated and unique slug and id that allows the user to get, create, update, query or clone that dataset.

The dataset slug and the id cannot be updated even if the name changes.

Error Message

When a dataset is created the status is set to “pending” by default. Once the adapter validates the dataset, the status is changed to “saved”. If the validation fails, the status will be set to “failed” and the adapter will also set an error message indicating the reason.


The dataset list provided by the endpoint can be filtered with the following attributes:

Filter Description Accepted values
name Allow us to filter by name any valid text
type Allow us to distinguish between tabular and raster datasets raster or tabular
app Aplications to which this dataset is being used Available Aplications like: ["skydipper"]
connectorType rest (placeholder for future connectors not based in rest)
provider Dataset provider this include inner connectors and 3rd party ones A valid dataset provider
userId the user who registered the dataset valid id
status the internal dataset status at connection time pending, saved or failed
published trueor false
env If the dataset is in preproduction envirenment or in production one productionor preproduction
overwritted If the data can be overwritten (only for being able to make dataset updates) trueor false
verify If this dataset contains data that is verified using blockchain trueor false
protected If it’s a protected layer trueor false
geoInfo If it contains intersectable geographical info trueor false

Filtering datasets

curl -X GET

For inclusive filtering with array props use ’@’

curl -X GET


Basics of sorting

The API currently supports sorting by means of the sort parameter.

Sorting datasets

curl -X GET

Multiple sorting criteria can be used, separating them by commas.

Sorting datasets by multiple criteria

curl -X GET,description

You can specify the sorting order by prepending the criteria with either - or +. By default, asc order is assumed.

Explicit order of sorting

curl -X GET,+description

Special sorting criteria

There are two special sorting criteria:

Special search criteria must be used as sole sorting criteria, as it’s not possible to combine any of them with any other search criteria.

Sorting datasets with special criteria

curl -X GET


Available relationships: Any dataset relationship [‘metadata’]

Including relationships

curl -X GET,-provider,userId&status=saved&includes=metadata


Field Description Type
page[size] The number elements per page Number
page[number] The page number Number

Paginating the output

curl -X GET,-provider,userId&status=saved&includes=metadata&page[number]=1
curl -X GET,-provider,userId&status=saved&includes=metadata&page[number]=2

How to get a specific dataset

To get a dataset:

curl -X GET


    "data": {
      "id": "098b33df-6871-4e53-a5ff-b56a7d989f9a",
      "type": "dataset",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "Subnational Political Boundaries",
        "slug": "Politcial-Boundaries-GADM-adminitrative-level-1-1490086842541",
        "type": "tabular",
        "subtitle": "GADM",
        "application": ["skydipper"],
        "dataPath": null,
        "attributesPath": null,
        "connectorType": "rest",
        "provider": "cartodb",
        "userId": "57a0aa1071e394dd32ffe137",
        "connectorUrl": "",
        "tableName": "gadm28_adm1",
        "status": "saved",
        "published": true,
        "overwrite": false,
        "verified": false,
        "blockchain": null,
        "subscribable": null,
        "mainDateField": null,
        "env": "production",
        "geoInfo": true,
        "protected": true,
        "legend": {
          "date": [],
          "region": [],
          "country": [],
          "nested": []
        "clonedHost": null,
        "errorMessage": null,
        "taskId": null,
        "updatedAt": "2018-11-21T13:54:56.285Z",
        "dataLastUpdated": null

To get the dataset including its relationships:

curl -X GET

Creating a Dataset

To create a dataset, you will need an authorization token. Follow the steps of this guide to get yours.

To create a dataset, you need to define all of the required fields in the request body. The fields that compose a dataset are:

Field Description Type Values Required
name Dataset name Text Any Text Yes
type Dataset type Text Any Text No
subtitle Dataset subtitle Text Any Text No
application Applications the dataset belongs to Array Any valid application name(s) Yes
connectorType Connector type Text rest, document, wms Yes
provider The connectorType provider Text cartodb, feature service, gee Yes
connectorUrl Url of the data source Url Any url Yes (except for gee)
tableName Table name Text Any valid table name No (just for GEE datasets)
data JSON DATA only for json connector if connectorUrl not present JSON [{},{},{}] No (just for json if connectorUrl is not present)
dataPath Path to the data in a json dataset Text Any valid JSON key No (just for json if connectorUrl is not present)
dataAttributes Data fields - for json connector if data present Object {“key1”: {“type”: “string”},… } No (just for json if connectorUrl is not present)
legend Legend for dataset. Keys for special fields Object “legend”: {“long”: “123”, “lat”: “123”, “country”: [“pais”], “region”: [“barrio”], “date”: [“startDate”, “endDate”]}} No
overwrite It allows to overwrite dataset data Boolean true/false No
published To set a public or private dataset Boolean true/false No
protected If it’s a protected layer (not possible to delete if it’s true) Boolean true/false No
verified To generate a verified blockchain of the dataset Boolean true/false No

There are some differences between datasets types.

Rest-Carto datasets

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
     "your", "apps"
    "name":"Example Carto Dataset"

A real example:

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
    "name":"World Database on Protected Areas -- Global"

Rest-ArcGIS feature Service

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
    "name":"Uncontrolled Public-Use Airports -- U.S."


curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
    "tableName": "JRC/GSW1_0/GlobalSurfaceWater"
    "name":"Water occurrence"

Updating a Dataset

In order to modify the dataset, you can PATCH a request. It accepts the same parameters as the create dataset endpoint, and you will need an authentication token.

An example update request:

curl -X PATCH<dataset-id> \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
    "name": "Another name for the dataset"

Deleting a Dataset

When a dataset is deleted the user’s applications that were present on the dataset will be removed from it. If this results in a dataset without applications, the dataset itself will be then deleted.

Datasets can be deleted either by any user with role ADMIN or by the user with role MANAGER that created them. Note that the deletion process cascades; deleting a dataset will also remove all layer, vocabularies, and metadata entities associated with it.

curl -X DELETE<dataset-id> \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Cloning a Dataset

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
  "dataset": {
    "datasetUrl": "/query/5306fd54-df71-4e20-8b34-2ff464ab28be?sql=select%20%2A%20from%20data%20limit%2010",
    "application": [


What is a Layer?

A layer is a geographical representation of a Dataset’s data.

Layer contains the following fields:

Field Description Type
userId Id of the owner Text
application Application to which the dataset belongs Array
iso The isos to which the dataset belongs Array
slug Unique identifier of the layer Text
name Name of the layer Url
description Description of the layer Array
dataset UuId of the dataset that the layer belongs Text
layerConfig Custom configuration Object
legendConfig Custom configuration Object
applicationConfig Custom configuration Object
staticImageConfig Custom configuration Object
default If it’s a default layer for the dataset that it belongs Boolean
protected If it’s a protected layer (not is possible to delete if it’s true) Boolean
published Is the layer published? Boolean
env environment in witch the layer was published, one of preproduction or production Text

How obtain all layers

To obtain all layers:

curl -X GET

Example response:

        "id": "e5c3e7c5-19ae-4ca0-a461-71f1f67aa553",
        "type": "layer",
        "attributes": {
          "slug": "total-co2-emissions-by-year",
          "userId": "5858f37140621f11066fb2f7",
          "application": [
          "name": "Total CO2 emissions by year",
          "default": false,
          "dataset": "11de2bc1-368b-42ed-a207-aaff8ece752b",
          "provider": "cartodb",
          "iso": [],
          "description": null,
          "layerConfig": {
            "account": "skydipper",
            "body": {
              "maxzoom": 18,
              "minzoom": 3,
              "layers": [
                  "type": "mapnik",
                  "options": {
                    "sql": "SELECT * cait_2_0_country_ghg_emissions_filtered",
                    "cartocss": "",
                    "cartocss_version": "2.3.0"
          "legendConfig": {
            "marks": {
              "type": "rect",
              "from": {
                "data": "table"
          "applicationConfig": {},
          "staticImageConfig": {}
   "meta": {
      "total-pages": 63,
      "total-items": 628,
      "size": 10

Filter params

Available filters:

Field Description Type
name Filter the layers whose name contains the filter text Text
dataset Filter the layers by dataset uuid Text
sort Sort json response by specific attributes Text
status Filter layers on status (pending, saved, failed, all) Text
published Filter layers on published status (true, false) Boolean
app Filter layers on application (prep, gfw, etc..) Text
env Environment in witch the layer was published, one of preproduction or production Text

Return the layers filtered by those whose name contains emissions

curl -X GET

Return the layers filtered by dataset

curl -X GET
curl -X GET

Sort by name

curl -X GET

Filter layers by status

curl -X GET

Filter layers by published status

curl -X GET

Return the layers filtered by those whose applications contain skydipper

curl -X GET

Pagination params

Field Description Type
page[size] Number elements per page Number
page[number] Number of page Number

Return the layers of page 2 with 5 elements per page

curl -X GET[size]=5&page[number]=2

How obtain a layer for specific dataset

To obtain the layer:

curl -X GET
curl -X GET

Example response:

  "data": {
    "id": "e5c3e7c5-19ae-4ca0-a461-71f1f67aa553",
    "type": "layer",
    "attributes": {
      "slug": "total-co2-emissions-by-year",
      "userId": "5858f37140621f11066fb2f7",
      "application": [
      "name": "Total CO2 emissions by year",
      "default": false,
      "dataset": "11de2bc1-368b-42ed-a207-aaff8ece752b",
      "provider": "cartodb",
      "iso": [],
      "description": null,
      "layerConfig": {
        "account": "skydipper",
        "body": {
          "maxzoom": 18,
          "minzoom": 3,
          "layers": [
              "type": "mapnik",
              "options": {
                "sql": "SELECT * cait_2_0_country_ghg_emissions_filtered",
                "cartocss": "",
                "cartocss_version": "2.3.0"
      "legendConfig": {
        "marks": {
          "type": "rect",
          "from": {
            "data": "table"
      "applicationConfig": {},
      "staticImageConfig": {}
  "meta": {
    "status": "saved",
    "published": true,
    "updatedAt": "2017-01-23T16:51:42.571Z",
    "createdAt": "2017-01-23T16:51:42.571Z"

Create a Layer

To create a layer, you need to define all of the required fields in the request body. The fields that compose a layer are:

Field Description Type Values Required
name Name of the layer Text Any Text Yes
description Description of the dataset Text Any text No
application Application to which the layer belongs Array gfw, forest-atlas, skydipper, prep, aqueduct, data4sdg Yes
layerConfig Custom configuration Object Valid object No
legendConfig Custom configuration Object Valid object No
applicationConfig Custom configuration Object Valid object No
staticImageConfig Custom configuration Object Valid object No
iso Isos to which the layer belongs Array BRA, ES No
dataset UuId of the dataset Text Uuid of Dataset No
protected If it’s a protected layer (not is possible to delete if it’s true) Boolean true-false No

To create a layer, you have to do a POST request with the following body:

curl -X POST<dataset_id>/layer \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
       "your", "apps"
    "name":"Example layer",
    "status": 1

The following structure was previously supported but should now be considered deprecated:

curl -X POST<dataset_id>/layer \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
   "layer": {
         "your", "apps"
      "name":"Example layer",
      "status": 1

Update a Layer

To update a layer, you need to define all of the required fields in the request body. The fields that compose a layer are:

Field Description Type Values Required
name Name of the layer Text Any Text Yes
description Description of the dataset Text Any text No
application Application to which the layer belongs Array gfw, forest-atlas, skydipper, prep, aqueduct, data4sdg Yes
layerConfig Custom configuration Object Valid object No
legendConfig Custom configuration Object Valid object No
applicationConfig Custom configuration Object Valid object No
staticImageConfig Custom configuration Object Valid object No
iso The isos to which the layer belongs Array BRA, ES No
dataset UuId of the dataset Text Uuid of Dataset No

To create a layer, you have to do a POST requestwith the following body:

curl -X PATCH<dataset_id>/layer/<layer_id> \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
   "layer": {
         "your", "apps"
      "name":"New Example layer Name",
      "layerConfig": {}

Delete a Layer

curl -X DELETE<dataset_id>/layer/<layer_id> \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"


Metadata definition

Metadata can be any kind of data associated to an existing resource (i.e. a dataset).

Some fields are important to identify the entity properly; others are just optional and give extra information about it.

Field Description Type
application The metadata application String
language The metadata language String
dataset The associated dataset id to the metadata String
resource The resource associated to the metadata Object
– id Resource id String
– type Resource type String
name The metadata name String
description The metadata description String
source The metadata source String
citation The metadata citation String
license The metadata license type String
info Some info about the metadata Object
units Measurement units Object

Creating a metadata object

Field Required/Optional
application required
language required
dataset required
name optional
description optional
source optional
citation optional
license optional
info optional
units optional

The “application” and “language” attributes are required and it is mandatory to include them in the payload.

curl -X POST<dataset-id>/metadata \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
   "application": <app>,
   "language": <language>

Real example

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
   "application": "skydipper",
   "language": "en"


  "data": [
      "id": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86-dataset-942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86-rw-en",
      "type": "metadata",
      "attributes": {
        "dataset": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86",
        "application": "skydipper",
        "resource": {
          "type": "dataset",
          "id": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86"
        "language": "en",
        "createdAt": "2017-01-20T08:07:53.272Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-01-20T08:07:53.272Z",
        "status": "published"

It could respond with a 401 status code if the request is not authenticated, 403 if the request is not allowed to do that operation, 400 if the request is not well formatted, or 5XX HTTP codes in other cases.

Getting metadata

application filter: application: skydipper

language filter: language: select between available languages (select one or some of them)

limit filter: limit: the desired number

Custom param for /metadata endpoint: type: [dataset]

curl -X GET<dataset-id>/metadata

Real example

curl -X GET

Updating a metadata

Partial update:

The “application” and “language” attributes are required and it is mandatory to include them in the payload.

curl -X PATCH<dataset-id>/metadata \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
   "application": <app>,
   "language": <language>

Real example

curl -X PATCH \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
   "application": "skydipper",
   "language": "en",
   "name": "Cloud Computing Market - USA - 2016",
   "source": "",
   "info": {
       "summary": "These and many other insights are from the latest series of cloud computing forecasts and market estimates produced by IDC, Gartner, Microsoft and other research consultancies. Amazon’s decision to break out AWS revenues and report them starting in Q1 FY2015 is proving to be a useful benchmark for tracking global cloud growth.  In their latest quarterly results released on January 28, Amazon reported that AWS generated $7.88B in revenues and attained a segment operating income of $1.863B. Please see page 8 of the announcement for AWS financials.  For Q4, AWS achieved a 28.5% operating margin (% of AWS net sales).",
       "author": "Louis Columbus",
       "date": "MAR 13, 2016 @ 10:42 PM",
       "link": ""


  "data": [
      "id": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86-dataset-942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86-skydipper-en",
      "type": "metadata",
      "attributes": {
        "dataset": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86",
        "application": "skydipper",
        "resource": {
          "type": "dataset",
          "id": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86"
        "language": "en",
        "name": "Cloud Computing Market - USA - 2016",
        "source": "",
        "info": {
          "summary": "These and many other insights are from the latest series of cloud computing forecasts and market estimates produced by IDC, Gartner, Microsoft and other research consultancies. Amazon’s decision to break out AWS revenues and report them starting in Q1 FY2015 is proving to be a useful benchmark for tracking global cloud growth.  In their latest quarterly results released on January 28, Amazon reported that AWS generated $7.88B in revenues and attained a segment operating income of $1.863B. Please see page 8 of the announcement for AWS financials.  For Q4, AWS achieved a 28.5% operating margin (% of AWS net sales).",
          "author": "Louis Columbus",
          "date": "MAR 13, 2016 @ 10:42 PM",
          "link": ""
        "createdAt": "2017-01-20T08:07:53.272Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-01-20T08:40:30.190Z",
        "status": "published"

Deleting a metadata

The “application” and “language” attributes are required and it is mandatory to include them in the query params.

curl -X DELETE<dataset-id>/metadata?application=<app-id>&language=<language>

Real example

curl -X DELETE \

Getting all

curl -X GET

Real examples

curl -X GET
curl -X GET
curl -X GET,en&limit=20
curl -X GET,gfw&language=en&type=dataset
curl -X GET

Finding (getting) by ids

The “ids” property is required in the payload, and in other case the endpoint responds with a 400 HTTP ERROR (Bad Request) This property can be an Array or a String (comma-separated) payload -> {“ids”: [“112313”, “111123”]} payload -> {“ids”: “112313, 111123”}

application filter: application: skydipper (select one or some of them)

language filter: language: select between available languages (select one or some of them)

limit filter: limit: the desired number

Custom param for the metadata endpoint: type: [dataset]

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
   "ids": [<ids>]

Real example

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
     "ids": "b000288d-7037-43ba-aa34-165eab549613, 942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86"


  "data": [
      "id": "b000288d-7037-43ba-aa34-165eab549613-dataset-b000288d-7037-43ba-aa34-165eab549613-prep-en",
      "type": "metadata",
      "attributes": {
        "dataset": "b000288d-7037-43ba-aa34-165eab549613",
        "application": "prep",
        "resource": {
          "type": "dataset",
          "id": "b000288d-7037-43ba-aa34-165eab549613"
        "language": "en",
        "name": "Projected temperature change",
        "description": "The Puget Sound region is projected to warm rapidly during the 21st century. Prior to mid-century, the projected increase in air temperatures is about the same for all greenhouse gas scenarios, a result of the fact that a certain amount of warming is already “locked in” due to past emissions. After about 2050, projected warming depends on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted globally in the coming decades. For the 2050s (2040-2069, relative to 1970-1999), annual average air temperature is projected to rise +4.2°F to +5.9°F, on average, for a low (RCP 4.5) and a high (RCP 8.5) greenhouse gas scenario. These indicators are derived from the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) CMIP5 Future Climate Dataset from the University of Idaho. For more information about this analysis, please see For more information about the MACA CMIP5 Future Climate Dataset please see",
        "source": "",
        "citation": "Abatzoglou, J. T.,   Brown, T. J. 2012. A comparison of statistical downscaling methods suited for wildfire applications. International Journal of Climatology, 32(5), 772-780. doi: ",
        "license": "Public domain",
        "info": {
          "organization": "Joe Casola, University of Washington",
          "license": "Public domain",
          "source": "",
          "citation": "Abatzoglou, J. T.,   Brown, T. J. 2012. A comparison of statistical downscaling methods suited for wildfire applications. International Journal of Climatology, 32(5), 772-780. doi: ",
          "description": "The Puget Sound region is projected to warm rapidly during the 21st century. Prior to mid-century, the projected increase in air temperatures is about the same for all greenhouse gas scenarios, a result of the fact that a certain amount of warming is already “locked in” due to past emissions. After about 2050, projected warming depends on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted globally in the coming decades. For the 2050s (2040-2069, relative to 1970-1999), annual average air temperature is projected to rise +4.2°F to +5.9°F, on average, for a low (RCP 4.5) and a high (RCP 8.5) greenhouse gas scenario. These indicators are derived from the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) CMIP5 Future Climate Dataset from the University of Idaho. For more information about this analysis, please see For more information about the MACA CMIP5 Future Climate Dataset please see",
          "short-description": "Projected temperature change in the Puget Sound Lowlands relative to average temperature between 1950-2005. Light colored lines in the background show the range of projections. All climate scenarios project warming for the Puget Sound region during the 21st century.",
          "subtitle": "",
          "title": "Projected temperature change"
        "createdAt": "2016-12-13T10:02:28.337Z",
        "updatedAt": "2016-12-13T10:03:02.445Z",
        "status": "published"
      "id": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86-dataset-942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86-skydipper-en",
      "type": "metadata",
      "attributes": {
        "dataset": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86",
        "application": "skydipper",
        "resource": {
          "type": "dataset",
          "id": "942b3f38-9504-4273-af51-0440170ffc86"
        "language": "en",
        "name": "Cloud Computing Market - USA - 2016",
        "source": "",
        "info": {
          "link": "",
          "date": "MAR 13, 2016 @ 10:42 PM",
          "author": "Louis Columbus",
          "summary": "These and many other insights are from the latest series of cloud computing forecasts and market estimates produced by IDC, Gartner, Microsoft and other research consultancies. Amazon’s decision to break out AWS revenues and report them starting in Q1 FY2015 is proving to be a useful benchmark for tracking global cloud growth.  In their latest quarterly results released on January 28, Amazon reported that AWS generated $7.88B in revenues and attained a segment operating income of $1.863B. Please see page 8 of the announcement for AWS financials.  For Q4, AWS achieved a 28.5% operating margin (% of AWS net sales)."
        "createdAt": "2017-01-20T08:07:53.272Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-01-20T08:40:30.190Z",
        "status": "published"


A list of information related to the microservices

List all registered microservices

To obtain a list of all the registered microservices:

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>"

Example response:

        "infoStatus": {
            "numRetries": 0,
            "error": null,
            "lastCheck": "2019-02-04T14:05:30.748Z"
        "pathInfo": "/info",
        "pathLive": "/ping",
        "status": "active",
        "cache": [],
        "uncache": ["dataset"],
        "tags": [

        "_id": "id",
        "name": "Dataset",
        "url": "http://dataset.default.svc.cluster.local:3000",
        "version": 1,
        "endpoints": [
                "redirect": {
                    "method": "GET",
                    "path": "/api/v1/dataset"
                "path": "/v1/dataset",
                "method": "GET"
                "redirect": {
                    "method": "POST",
                    "path": "/api/v1/dataset/find-by-ids"
                "path": "/v1/dataset/find-by-ids",
                "method": "POST"
        "updatedAt": "2019-01-24T13:04:46.728Z",
        "swagger": "{}"

Delete microservice

To remove a microservice:

curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>"


Keep in mind that this does not actually delete the microservice, instead it schedules it for being removed. There’s a cron task that does the actual deleting, so the process is async.


Service for statistical analysis tools.

Examine long-term changes in a 1-D dataset, using moving average (box-car) de-treding (i.e. low-pass filter) and a Monte Carlo resampling to calculate the significance of the low-frequency variance.

url = ""

querystring = {"mc_number":"10000",

payload = "{\"timeseries\": {\"2001\": 8523609.893269539, \"2002\": 9219075.336818695, \"2003\": 5745394.048210621, \"2004\": 16352804.901271343, \"2005\": 11950375.210030556, \"2006\": 18535092.244664192, \"2007\": 15964553.06836462, \"2008\": 12015146.018202782, \"2009\": 17515508.700252533, \"2010\": 14973976.22736454, \"2011\": 10555302.132576942, \"2012\": 19785808.554305553, \"2013\": 15784503.92861414, \"2014\": 18598649.662708282, \"2015\": 16366608.645088673, \"2016\": 26919829.052940845, \"2017\": 24389565.014420033, \"2018\": 31650039.900456905}}"
headers = {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
    'cache-control': "no-cache"

response =, data=payload, headers=headers, params=querystring)


Example response:

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "anomaly": 13226686.577202797,
      "anomaly_uncertainty": 6605963.307585477,
      "bin_number": 100,
      "description": "Increase of 1.3e+07 over observation period has an associated p-value of 0.001\u00b1 1.000 0.948.",
      "lower_p": 0.9480426688037374,
      "mc_number": 10000,
      "p": 0.9994235963381208,
      "upper_p": 0.9999994544351509,
      "window": 5
    "id": null,
    "type": "mc_timeseries_analysis"


What is Geostore?

Geostore is a geojson database. You can save your geojson or obtain geojson by country, region, Protected areas, etc.

Geostore object contains the following fields:

Field Description Type
id Id of the geostore Text
geojson Geojson with the geometry Object
hash MD5 hash generated from geojson. Is the same that the id Object
provider This field should be completed if the geostore was created from a provider Object
– type Provider type Text
– table Table name Text
– user User of the account Text
– filter Conditions to obtain the geojson. It is possible use AND & OR conditions. This conditions must only return one row. Text
areaHa Area in Hectares of the geojson Number
bbox Bounding box of the geojson Array

Create Geostore

You can create a geostore in 4 different ways:

With a Geojson

If you have your own geojson, you can save it in geostore. To create the geostore, you need to define all the required fields in the request body. The fields that compose a geostore are:

Field Description Type Values Required
geojson Geojson with your geometry Object Yes

To create a Geostore, you have to do a POST query with the following body:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
   "geojson": <yourGeoJSONObject>

Real example

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \



The response will be 200 if the geostore saves correctly and returns the geostore object with all information:

Example response




From country

If you need obtain the geostore of a country, you can obtain it with the ISO3 code in the Geostore API.


curl -X GET<ISO3>

Real example obtaining the geostore of Spain shell curl -X GET

Country list

A list of countries can be obtained from this endpoint.

curl -X GET

Example response

    "data": [{
        "geostoreId": "35a6d982388ee5c4e141c2bceac3fb72",
        "iso": "ESP",
        "name": "Spain"
    }, {
        "geostoreId": "8f77fe62cf15d5098ba0ee11c5126aa6",
        "iso": "FRA",
        "name": "France"
    }, {
        "geostoreId": "1d568c183033da6c17cc28c4aecf1bcf",
        "iso": "cod",
        "name": "Democratic Republic of the Congo"

From country and region

If you need obtain the geostore of a region in a country, you can obtain it with the ISO3 and region code:


curl -X GET<ISO3>/<regionCode>

Real example obtaining the geostore of Madrid’s Comunity in Spain

curl -X GET

From World Database on Protected Areas (wdpa)

Is possible obtain the geostore of a World Database on Protected Areas of the world. You only need the id of the protected area (WDPA). World Database on Protected Areas web


curl -X GET<wdpaId>

Real example obtaining the geostore of ‘Sierra de Guadarrama’ protected area

curl -X GET

From Carto

If your geojson is in carto table, is possible import this geojson in geostore. To import the geojson in geostore, you need to define all of the required fields in the request body. The fields that compose a import are:

Field Description Type Values Required
provider Provider of data Object Yes
– type Provider type Text carto Yes
– table Table name Text Yes
– user User of the account Text Yes
– filter Conditions to obtain the geojson. Is possible put and and or conditions. This conditions must only return one row. Text Yes

To import a Geostore, you have to do a POST with the following body:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
        "type": "carto",
        "table": <tableName>,
        "user": <userName>,
        "filter": <conditions>

Real example

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
        "type": "carto",
        "table": "gfw_mining",
        "user": "wri-01",
        "filter": "cartodb_id=573"

Example response

  "data": {
    "type": "geoStore",
    "id": "26f8975c4c647c19a2edaa11f23880a2",
    "attributes": {
      "geojson": {
        "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
              "type": "MultiPolygon",
              "coordinates": [
        "crs": {},
        "type": "FeatureCollection"
      "hash": "26f8975c4c647c19a2edaa11f23880a2",
      "provider": {
        "filter": "cartodb_id=573",
        "user": "wri-01",
        "table": "gfw_mining",
        "type": "carto"
      "areaHa": 471.001953054716,
      "bbox": [

Obtain a Geostore

To obtain a geostore, you only need the id of the Geostore. You can perform a GET request for the geostore with its id.

curl -X GET<geostoreId>

Real example obtaining one geostore

curl -X GET

Example response

  "data": {
    "type": "geoStore",
    "id": "26f8975c4c647c19a2edaa11f23880a2",
    "attributes": {
      "geojson": {
        "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
              "type": "MultiPolygon",
              "coordinates": [
        "crs": {},
        "type": "FeatureCollection"
      "hash": "26f8975c4c647c19a2edaa11f23880a2",
      "provider": {
        "filter": "cartodb_id=573",
        "user": "wri-01",
        "table": "gfw_mining",
        "type": "carto"
      "areaHa": 471.001953054716,
      "bbox": [


Geodescriber returns a text description of any Geostore or valid geojson area, in any langunage, dynamically. Responses from Geodescriber have been tailored to different purposes. The (optional) argument app controls which flavour description you will return.

The code for Geodescriber is hosted on Github.

Call Geodescriber with a Geostore ID

You can return a response from the Geodescriber by providing a geostore paramter in your GET request. You can change the language of the response via the lang flag, using the ISO-2 codes.

curl --location --request GET '<ID_HASH>&template=False&app=skydipper&lang=en'

Example Response

      "description":"The region's habitat is comprised of Cantabrian mixed forests. This region has no Intact Forest. The area has a predominantly warm and temperate climate with dry summers. It is part of the Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests biome. The location is mostly land area with a large proportion of marine area. Area of 12,387km² located in a predominanty lowland area.",
      "title":"Area in Galicia, Spain",

Geodescriber from valid GeoJSON

If the geometry does not correspond to a Geostore object, and you do not wish to create one, you can post a valid geojson directly to the Geodescriber service and return a response.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"geojson":{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-8.749999866114031,43.86562279054269],[-8.500000104532665,43.86562279054269],[-8.2500003429513,43.86562279054269],[-8.000000581369934,43.86562279054269],[-8.000000581369934,42.49423975448128],[-8.2500003429513,42.49423975448128],[-8.500000104532665,42.49423975448128],[-8.749999866114031,42.49423975448128],[-8.999999627695365,42.49423975448128],[-8.999999627695365,43.86562279054269],[-8.749999866114031,43.86562279054269]]]}}]}}'

Example Response

      "description":"The region's habitat is comprised of Cantabrian mixed forests. This region has no Intact Forest. The area has a predominantly warm and temperate climate with dry summers. It is part of the Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests biome. The location is mostly land area with a large proportion of marine area. Area of 12,387km² located in a predominanty lowland area.",
      "title":"Area in Galicia, Spain",


What is the GeoDoctor service?

GeoDoctor is a service to receive geospatial datafiles of various kinds, extract shapes, repair and simplify those shapes. The service responds with a valid geojson object that can be consumed by other Skydipper services such as Geostore.

File conversion is done with GDAL OGR2OGR), and optional cleaning and simplification is done using the visvalingam method, preserving features with Mapshaper.

An example with GEOSJON

Given an input file which contains:

{'type': 'FeatureCollection',
 'features': [{'type': 'Feature',
   'properties': {},
   'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
    'coordinates': [[[-8.690185546875, 32.8334428466495],
      [-9.140625, 32.648625783736726],
      [-9.052734375, 32.44488496716713],
      [-8.865966796875, 32.27784451498272],
      [-8.8330078125, 32.16631295696736],
      [-8.865966796875, 32.008075959291055],
      [-8.98681640625, 31.970803930433096],
      [-9.33837890625, 31.93351676190369],
      [-9.64599609375, 31.672083485607402],
      [-9.755859375, 31.23159167205059],
      [-9.481201171875, 31.005862904624205],
      [-9.041748046875, 30.552800413453546],
      [-9.0966796875, 30.173624550358536],
      [-9.239501953125, 30.002516938570686],
      [-8.3056640625, 29.707139348134145],
      [-7.965087890625, 29.964452850852005],
      [-7.921142578125, 30.259067203213018],
      [-8.052978515625, 30.4297295750316],
      [-8.3056640625, 30.524413269923986],
      [-8.4375, 30.609549797190844],
      [-8.3056640625, 30.798474179567823],
      [-8.140869140625, 30.713503990354965],
      [-8.074951171875, 30.675715404167743],
      [-7.987060546875, 30.62845887475364],
      [-7.91015625, 30.5717205651999],
      [-7.822265625000001, 30.543338954230222],
      [-7.701416015625001, 30.543338954230222],
      [-7.679443359375, 30.6662659463233],
      [-7.811279296874999, 30.80791068136646],
      [-7.965087890625, 30.883369321692268],
      [-8.052978515625, 30.92107637538488],
      [-8.19580078125, 30.95876857077987],
      [-8.28369140625, 30.987027960280326],
      [-8.382568359375, 31.071755902820133],
      [-8.349609375, 31.22219703210317],
      [-8.06396484375, 31.287939892641734],
      [-7.833251953125, 31.297327991404266],
      [-6.723632812499999, 32.26855544621476],
      [-7.822265625000001, 32.537551746769],
      [-8.10791015625, 31.970803930433096],
      [-8.646240234375, 31.96148355726853],
      [-8.37158203125, 32.194208672875384],
      [-8.118896484375, 32.676372772089834],
      [-8.690185546875, 32.8334428466495]]]}}]}

From this file you can call the GeoDoctor service like this:

import requests
url = ""
querystring = {"simplify":"10", "clean":"true"}
files = {'file': open('<path_to_your_file>/<your_file.geosjon>', 'rb'), 'Accept': "application/json, text/pain, */*"}
r =, files=files, params=querystring)

Which will result in a response like:

{'data': {'type': 'geoJSON',
  'id': 'undefined',
  'attributes': {'type': 'FeatureCollection',
   'features': [{'type': 'Feature',
     'properties': {'__id': 0},
     'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
      'coordinates': [[[-8.690185546875, 32.8334428466495],
        [-6.723632812499999, 32.26855544621476],
        [-7.833251953125, 31.297327991404266],
        [-8.3056640625, 29.707139348134145],
        [-9.755859375, 31.23159167205059],
        [-8.690185546875, 32.8334428466495]]]}}]}}}

Note the simplification of simplify: 10 means that the shape has been simplified by 90%.

Example with Well-Known-text

You can upload Well-Known-Text format also, e.g. given a sample file with the contents:

index, geom,
1,"POLYGON ((-3.6694335937500004 40.896905775860006, -3.14208984375 40.58058466412761, -2.8125 40.81380923056958, -2.96630859375 41.16211393939692, -3.6035156249999996 41.44272637767212, -4.306640625 41.52502957323801, -5.053710937499999 41.47566020027821, -5.47119140625 41.32732632036622, -5.80078125 41.0130657870063, -5.91064453125 40.54720023441049, -5.888671875 40.06125658140474, -5.64697265625 39.690280594818034, -5.185546875 39.41922073655956, -4.32861328125 39.30029918615029, -3.427734375 39.30029918615029, -3.01025390625 39.554883059924016, -3.01025390625 39.87601941962116, -2.548828125 39.90973623453719, -2.57080078125 40.195659093364654, -3.97705078125 40.212440718286466, -3.97705078125 39.9434364619742, -3.5595703125 39.926588421909436, -3.5815429687499996 39.757879992021756, -4.50439453125 39.690280594818034, -5.053710937499999 39.8928799002948, -5.20751953125 40.07807142745009, -5.295410156249999 40.39676430557203, -5.3173828125 40.84706035607122, -4.89990234375 41.02964338716638, -4.4384765625 41.062786068733026, -3.80126953125 41.062786068733026, -3.6694335937500004 40.896905775860006))"

You can use that file as an input to the service like so:

import requests
url = ""
querystring = {"simplify":"90", "clean":"true"}
files = {'file': open('<path_to_your_file>/<your_file.csv>', 'rb'), 'Accept': "application/json, text/pain, */*"}
r =, files=files, params=querystring)

Gives a response of:

{'geojson': {'type': 'FeatureCollection',
  'features': [{'type': 'Feature',
    'properties': {'index': '1', 'field_3': None, '__id': 0},
    'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
     'coordinates': [[[-3.66943359375, 40.896905775860006],
       [-3.80126953125, 41.062786068733026],
       [-4.89990234375, 41.02964338716638],
       [-5.3173828125, 40.84706035607122],
       [-5.20751953125, 40.07807142745009],
       [-5.053710937499999, 39.8928799002948],
       [-4.50439453125, 39.690280594818034],
       [-3.58154296875, 39.757879992021756],
       [-3.5595703125, 39.926588421909436],
       [-3.97705078125, 39.9434364619742],
       [-3.97705078125, 40.212440718286466],
       [-2.57080078125, 40.195659093364654],
       [-2.548828125, 39.90973623453719],
       [-3.01025390625, 39.87601941962116],
       [-3.01025390625, 39.554883059924016],
       [-3.427734375, 39.30029918615029],
       [-4.32861328125, 39.30029918615029],
       [-5.185546875, 39.41922073655956],
       [-5.64697265625, 39.690280594818034],
       [-5.888671875, 40.06125658140474],
       [-5.91064453125, 40.54720023441049],
       [-5.80078125, 41.0130657870063],
       [-5.47119140625, 41.32732632036622],
       [-5.053710937499999, 41.47566020027821],
       [-4.306640625, 41.52502957323801],
       [-3.603515625, 41.44272637767212],
       [-2.96630859375, 41.16211393939692],
       [-2.8125, 40.81380923056958],
       [-3.14208984375, 40.58058466412761],
       [-3.66943359375, 40.896905775860006]]]}}],
  'crs': {'type': 'name',
   'properties': {'name': 'urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84'}}}}


In order to retrieve data from the datasets it is possible to send queries to the API using the SQL or Feature Service languages.

Two different endpoints are provided (under the dataset path and a generic one) and the sql query can be provided via query parameters or in the body of a POST request.

curl -i -H 'Authorization: Bearer your-token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST '<dataset_id>/' -d '{
    "sql": "SELECT * FROM <dataset_id> limit 10"
curl -i -XGET http\://\?sql\=SELECT\ \*\ from\ <dataset.slug>

Select clause

The SELECT part of the queries supports naming columns, alias, math operations, DISTINCT, COUNT, SQL functions and PostGIS functions

SELECT count(*) FROM table
SELECT a, b FROM table
SELECT a, count(*) FROM table

SELECT sum(int) FROM table
SELECT avg(int) FROM table
SELECT max(int) FROM table
SELECT min(int) FROM table
SELECT min(int) as minimum FROM table

SELECT ST_valueCount(rast, 1, true) FROM table

From clause

It is possible to refer to a dataset by using its table name, slug or id.

SELECT * FROM <dataset.tableName>
SELECT * FROM <dataset.slug>

Where clause

SELECT * FROM table WHERE a > 2
SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 2
SELECT * FROM table WHERE a < 2
SELECT * FROM table WHERE a >= 2
SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 2 and b < 2
SELECT * FROM table WHERE text like 'a%'
SELECT * FROM table WHERE st_intersects(st_setsrid(st_geomfromgeojson('{}'), 4326), the_geom)

Group by clause

It is possible to group results by column name, SQL functions and PostGIS functions. Special grouping operations are available for document-type datasets (CSV and JSON) - see this link for more info.

SELECT * FROM tablename GROUP BY columnOne
SELECT * FROM tablename GROUP BY columnOne, columnTwo
SELECT * FROM tablename GROUP BY ST_GeoHash(the_geom_point,8)

SELECT a, count(int) FROM table GROUP BY a
SELECT count(*) FROM tablename GROUP BY ST_GeoHash(the_geom, 8)
/* Only supported in document-type datasets - see for full details */
SELECT COUNT(age) FROM tablename GROUP BY range(age, 20,25,30,35,40) 
SELECT online FROM online GROUP BY date_histogram(field='insert_time','interval'='1d')
SELECT online FROM online GROUP BY date_range(field='insert_time','format'='yyyy-MM-dd' ,'2014-08-18','2014-08-17','now-8d','now-7d','now-6d','now')

Order by clause

It is possible to order results by column name, SQL functions and PostGIS functions

Limit and offset clause

You can specify limit and offset clauses

SELECT * FROM table limit=20
SELECT * FROM table limit=20 offset 10

Raster queries available

SELECT ST_BANDMETADATA(rast, occurrence) FROM table
SELECT ST_HISTOGRAM(rast, 1, auto, true) FROM table
SELECT ST_valueCount(rast, 1, true) FROM table

Freeze query

It is possible generate a json file in a bucket of the sql result. You only need send a query param freeze with value true and you will obtain the url of the json file.

curl -i -XGET http\://\?sql\=SELECT\ \*\ from\ <dataset.slug>&freeze=true


You can download the result of a query using the download endpoint.

# The id of the dataset is part of the URL
curl -XGET<>?sql=SELECT * from <dataset.tableName>

# The id of the dataset is in the FROM clause
curl -XGET * from <>

There are two ways to call it:

You can also specify which file type you want to download (JSON or CSV), except for Google Earth Engine datasets (only JSON).

# The format is explicitly set
curl -XGET<>?sql=SELECT * from <dataset.tableName>&format=json
curl -XGET<>?sql=SELECT * from <dataset.tableName>&format=csv


Service for identifying satellite imagery tiles from Landsat and Sentinel-2. You are able to search for a location, and time range, and set band visulisation parameters.

Return a list of all intersecting satellite images

import requests
r = requests.get(url,params=params)

Returns a response like:

{'data': {'id': None,
  'tiles': [{'attributes': {'bbox': {'geometry': {'coordinates': [[-15.92558389724579,
        [-15.92559671449868, 28.925191163600214],
        [-17.051433713664156, 28.91274387174152],
        [-17.051480391568088, 28.912706620290745],
        [-17.051531935518994, 28.912674682697084],
        [-17.05153490920881, 28.91265990682834],
        [-17.041910802259004, 28.41750963441286],
        [-17.032527124641494, 27.922327989157285],
        [-17.03248495569906, 27.922287141116684],
        [-17.032448913873885, 27.92224196307347],
        [-17.0324320643225, 27.922239418847433],
        [-15.917013741784361, 27.934185520299348],
        [-15.916967046088413, 27.93422235347645],
        [-15.91691560017191, 27.934253830965012],
        [-15.916912552853256, 27.93426863344697],
        [-15.921148642190191, 28.429707339526168],
        [-15.925493100926781, 28.92510186499591],
        [-15.925535317176289, 28.925143044864797],
        [-15.925571259256028, 28.925188529207674],
        [-15.92558389724579, 28.925190549257714]],
       'type': 'Polygon'}},
     'cloud_score': 57.3898,
     'date_time': '2019-11-17 11:52:21Z',
     'instrument': 'Sentinel-2A',
     'source': 'COPERNICUS/S2/20191117T115221_20191117T115220_T28RCS',
     'thumbnail_url': None,
     'tile_url': '{z}/{x}/{y}?token=733263c1e4925c385702d2a18f2e39a6'

Request tiles

You can use the response from the query to /recent-imagery to make a further request to tiles and thumbs endpoints.

import requests
tiles_url = ""
body={"source_data": [{"source":'COPERNICUS/S2/20191107T115221_20191107T115221_T28RCS'},{"source":'LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA/LC08_207040_20191117'}],
            "min": None,
            "max": None,
            "opacity": 1.0,
            "bands": None}
r =, json=body)

Which will result in a response such as:

{'data': {'attributes': [{'source_id': 'COPERNICUS/S2/20191107T115221_20191107T115221_T28RCS',
    'tile_url': '{z}/{x}/{y}?token=3fb09853e976ad45cfc4b3dc267f455a'},
   {'source_id': 'LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA/LC08_207040_20191117',
    'tile_url': '{z}/{x}/{y}?token=613fe7ab781cde1fbca1e1b242c508aa'}],
  'id': None,
  'type': 'recentimages-tiles'}}

Request thumbnails

import requests
tiles_url = ""
body={"source_data": [{"source":'COPERNICUS/S2/20191107T115221_20191107T115221_T28RCS'},{'source': 'COPERNICUS/S2/20191117T115221_20191117T115220_T28RCS'}, {"source":'LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA/LC08_207040_20191117'}],
            "min": None,
            "max": None,
            "opacity": 1.0,
            "bands": None}
r =, json=body)
{'data': {'attributes': [{'source': 'COPERNICUS/S2/20191107T115221_20191107T115221_T28RCS',
    'thumbnail_url': ''},
   {'source': 'COPERNICUS/S2/20191117T115221_20191117T115220_T28RCS',
    'thumbnail_url': ''},
   {'source': 'LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA/LC08_207040_20191117',
    'thumbnail_url': ''}],
  'id': None,
  'type': 'recentimages-thumbs'}}

User Management

The following endpoints expose the API’s functionality regarding user management. For more information or implementation details, see the source code.

Login (email + password)

Login endpoints support both HTML and JSON output formats, depending on the Content-type provided in the request. Keep in mind that HTML-based requests will result in redirects - for example, after successfully logging in, you will be taken to /auth/success - while JSON based requests will simply return the matching HTTP code - 200 in case of a successful login.


Convenience URL that redirects to <BASE API URL>/auth/login

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/login

Basic API auth login page. Only supported for HTML requests.

POST <BASE API URL>/auth/login

Endpoint for email + password based login.

For HTML requests, it will redirect to either <BASE API URL>/auth/success or <BASE API URL>/auth/fail depending on whether the login was successful or not. An optional callbackUrl query parameter can be provided, in which case the user will be redirected to that URL in case of login success.

For JSON requests, it will return 200 or 401 HTTP response code depending on whether the login was successful or not. In case of successful logins, the basic user details will be returned as a JSON object.

# Email + password based login - JSON format
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
// Response:
  "data": {
    "email": "",
    "createdAt": "2018-11-15T04:46:35.313Z",
    "role": "USER",
    "extraUserData": {
      "apps": [
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjViZWNmYTJiNjdkYTBkM2VjMDdhMjdmNiIsInJvbGUiOiJVU0VSIiwicHJvdmlkZXIiOiJsb2NhbCIsImVtYWlsIjoidGVzdEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsImV4dHJhVXNlckRhdGEiOnsiYXBwcyI6WyJydyJdfSwiY3JlYXRlZEF0IjoxNTQzMzE1NzMxNzcwLCJpYXQiOjE1NDMzMTU3MzF9.kIdkSOb7mCMOxE2ipqVOBrK7IefAjLDhaPG9DT1qvCw"

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/fail

Displays login errors for HTML requests. Not supported on JSON requests.

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/check-logged

Check login status

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/success

Successful login page for HTML requests. Not supported on JSON requests.

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/logout

Login invalidation endpoint

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/generate-token

Generates a JWT token for the current user session.

Login (3rd party oauth)


Registration endpoints support both HTML and JSON output formats, depending on the Content-type provided in the request.

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/sign-up

Account creation page, for accounts using email + password based login for HTML requests. Not supported on JSON requests.

POST <BASE API URL>/auth/sign-up

Account creation endpoint, for accounts using email + password based login for both HTML and JSON requests.

For HTML requests, it will display a message informing about any validation error, or informing the user in case of success.

For JSON requests, it will return 200 or 422 HTTP response code depending on whether the login was successful or not. In case of successful logins, the basic user details will be returned as a JSON object. In case of failure, an array of errors is returned.

While optional, it’s highly recommended that you specify which apps the user will be granted access to, as most API operation validate the user’s apps match datasets, widgets, etc.

# Account creation using email + password
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
    "apps": ["skydipper"]
// Response:
  "data": {
    "id": "5bfd237767b3176dd63f2eb7",
    "email": "",
    "createdAt": "2018-11-27T10:59:03.531Z",
    "role": "USER",
    "extraUserData": {
      "apps": ["skydipper"]

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/confirm/:token

Endpoint used in the user validation email to confirm the address upon registration.

It accepts an optional callbackUrl query parameter with an URL to which the user will be redirect if the confirmation succeeds.

Should no callbackUrl be provided, the user is redirected to an URL based on the first application associated to their user account - see ct-oauth-plugin configuration for more info.

Should that application have no configured redirect URL, or the user have no configured app, they are redirect to a platform-wide default URL - see ct-oauth-plugin configuration for more info.

Password recovery

Password recovery endpoints support both HTML and JSON output formats, depending on the Content-type provided in the request.

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/reset-password

Displays the password reset form page.

POST <BASE API URL>/auth/reset-password

Endpoint where the password reset request is sent.

# Password reset
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/reset-password/:token

Endpoint used to validate email address upon password reset request.

POST <BASE API URL>/auth/reset-password/:token

Endpoint used to submit the new password.

# New password submission
curl -X POST<email token> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \

User details management

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/user

Lists user accounts:

This endpoint supports the following optional filter params:

# Lists all currently active users belonging to the same apps as the requester
curl -X GET
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \

# User listing, filter by email address
curl -X GET
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \

GET <BASE API URL>/auth/user/:id

# shows info for user with the given id
curl -X GET<user_id>
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \

PATCH <BASE API URL>/auth/user/me

# updates current user details
curl -X PATCH
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
    "photo": "https://an.image.url/photo.jpg",

PATCH <BASE API URL>/auth/user/:id

# updates details of user given its id
curl -X PATCH<user_id>
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
    "photo": "https://an.image.url/photo.jpg",

DELETE <BASE API URL>/auth/user/:id

# updates details of user given its id
curl -X DELETE<user_id>
-H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>" \
    "name":"user name",
    "photo": "https://an.image.url/photo.jpg",


The Skydipper API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request is incomplete or contains errors
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is incorrect
403 Forbidden – The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified kitten could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that is not json
410 Gone – The kitten requested has been removed from our servers
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

API attribution requirements

By using the Skydipper API, you agree to the Skydipper terms of service and attribution requirements.